Biography of Dr. James Edward Cavanagh of Fargo, North Dakota

Dr. James Edward Cavanagh was born in Morristown, St. Lawrence county, New York, the son of Nicholas and Cathrin Cavanagh. He obtained his early education in Brockville, Ontario, and afterward moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he became interested in the study of Psychological Therapy, and later moved to North Dakota and began the practice of the science of magne-practic. After remaining in Dakota one year, he returned to Chicago and completed the studies in practical psychology, osteopathy and electrotherapy, receiving diplomas from the Chicago School of Psychology, with the degree of D. P., or Doctor of Psychology; the National School of Osteopathy with the degree of D. O., or Doctor of Osteopathy, and the Edison School of Electrotherapy. In 1907 he was made an honorary member of the National College of ElectroTherapeutics, from which college he had previously graduated in Electro-Therapy and received a diploma with the degree of M. E., or Master of Electrotherapy.

In 1902 Dr. Cavanagh became president of the Fargo Sanitarium, an institution which had recently been incorporated under the laws of the state of North Dakota, which office he still holds, and enjoys an enviable reputation as a drugless physician and surgeon. The Sanitarium of which he is director has become widely and favorably known throughout the state as a health resort, where both acute and chronic conditions are treated without the use of drug or knife.

Dr. Cavanagh is a member of Council No. 782, Knights of Columbus, and in religious faith is a member of the Catholic church, and a faithful attendant at St. Mary’s Cathedral of Fargo.

The Doctor is a man of excellent social qualities, generous, kind-hearted and genial, and always in sympathy with whatever relates to the moral and material betterment of his community. Thoroughly up-to-date in his line of treatment, conscientious and faithful, he has won the confidence and respect of a large circle of friends.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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