Biography of Francis W. Ames of Mayville, North Dakota

Francis W. Ames was a prominent citizen of Mayville, North Dakota, significantly contributing to his county and state since his arrival in October 1880. Born on December 16, 1851, in Wiscasset, Maine, he was the son of carriage maker Charles H. Ames. After graduating from Trinity College in 1876, he studied law in Hartford, Connecticut, and was admitted to the bar in 1879. Ames moved to North Dakota in 1880, settling in Caledonia before relocating to Mayville in 1885. He served as clerk of the district court, state’s attorney of Traill County, and state senator. He was also appointed reporter of the supreme court in 1893. Ames was involved in banking, serving as vice-president of several banks. Married to Lucia A. Phelps in 1883, they had four children: Cora, Lillian, Chauncey, and Harold.

Francis W Ames
Francis W Ames

Francis W. Ames, is a well known citizen of Mayville, North Dakota, who has been prominently identified with his county and state since his coming to North Dakota, in October, 1880. He is a native of Wiscasset, Maine, where he was born, December 16, 1851. His father, Charles H. Ames, was a carriage maker. Having passed the days of his boyhood at home, at school, in the work shop and in the field. The young man entered Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, and graduated from that institution with the class of 1876. He then studied law in the office of H. C. Robinson, Hartford, Connecticut, and was admitted to practice in the courts of that state in 1879. In October, 1880, he came to North Dakota, and in 1881 settled at Caledonia, Traill county. In 1885, he removed to Mayville, where he has resided since that time. In 1881, he was appointed clerk of the district court, by Judge Hudson, and in 1888, was elected state’s attorney of Traill county, serving the public in that official capacity four years. In 1898, he was elected state senator, and in 1893, was appointed reporter of the supreme court, and is still holding that position. In addition to his professional life, Judge Ames, is identified with a number of business enterprises. He is vice-president of the First National Bank of Mayville, First National Bank of Hatton, and also of the Northwood Trust and Safety bank. He has been a member of the I. O. O. F. since 1882.

Judge Ames was married to Lucia A. Phelps, May 30, 1883, at Rockford, Iowa. Children granted to this couple are Miss Cora I. Ames, born September 11, 1884, a graduate of the Mayville Normal, in the class of 1906, and now a teacher at Casselton, North Dakota; Miss Lillian R. Ames, born October 19, 1886, a graduate of the Mayville Normal in 1908. Both of these young ladies are represented in the engraving with their father. Chauncey C. Ames, born July 13, 1890, and Harold F., born March 16, 1893.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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