Biography of Hon. John Carmody of Hillsboro, North Dakota

Hon. John Carmody, born January 6, 1854, in Granville, Wisconsin, is a distinguished member of the North Dakota bar. After moving to Minnesota at fourteen, he was educated in local schools and high schools in Waseca and Faribault. Admitted to the Minnesota bar in 1880, he practiced law in Waseca before relocating to Hillsboro, North Dakota, in 1885. Carmody has served as mayor, city attorney, and state’s attorney of Traill County. Appointed as associate justice of the North Dakota Supreme Court in 1909, he is recognized for his judicial acumen. Married to Anna Madden, he has three children: Winifred, Irene, and George.

Biography of Hon. John Carmody of Hillsboro, North Dakota Read More »