Biography of H. H. Grover of Lisbon, North Dakota

H. H. Grover, born in 1839, overcame early hardships and built a successful life for himself. He worked as a teacher and farmer before entering the mercantile business. Eventually, he settled in Ransom County, engaged in real estate, and later transitioned into property management and public service. Grover constructed a notable block in 1903 and now enjoys a peaceful retirement.

H. H. Grover was born on September 11, 1839, in Windsor, Ohio. Both of his parents passed away in 1854, leaving him to fend for himself. He received his early education at the district school and Orwell Academy. To support himself, he taught several terms of three months each at the district school, earning sixteen dollars per month and boarding with different families. Growing up on a farm, he continued farming for several years.

In 1861, he married Jane L. Morris in Harts Grove, Ohio. Jane still resides with him in Lisbon, North Dakota. They had four children together, two girls and two boys.

Harley S. Grover, who is the cashier of the State Bank of Lisbon, is the only surviving child. The oldest girl, Cora L. Grover, passed away in Fargo in December 1881. The second girl, Lillian A. Grover, married Robert P. Stanton in Lisbon in 1883. They later moved to Seattle, Washington, where Lillian passed away approximately twelve years later. She left behind two sons, who, along with their father, still reside in Seattle. The youngest boy, Kubie R. Grover, died in Lisbon, North Dakota, in 1889.

Around 1870, H. H. Grover entered the mercantile business. He initially partnered with N. K. Hubbard at Geneva, Ohio, who is well-known in Fargo as one of the early settlers. After about a year, he sold his share to N. K. Hubbard and relocated to Harts Grove, Ohio, where he operated a general store on his own for several years. He conducted a thriving business and also served as the postmaster, with the post office located within the store.

Eventually, he sold his business in Ohio and in 1880, he moved to Fargo. There, he worked as a clerk at the large store of Goodman & Yerxa. In 1881, he returned to Ohio, sold his property there, and moved with his family to Fargo. They then settled in Ransom County, where he obtained a claim. From that time on, he resided in Ransom County, engaging in the real estate business for several years. He was actively involved in bustling business activities until his health began to decline. Eventually, he sold his business to the Lisbon Land & Loan Agency, which currently operates in Lisbon.

After retiring from active business, he constructed a beautiful block in 1903. The block houses two stores and the Masonic Temple, serving as an ornament to the city. He occupies an office within the block, working as a justice of the peace and police magistrate. He also manages his various properties and rentals. H. H. Grover is now enjoying the fruits of his many years of hard work and is embracing a peaceful and relaxed life, taking it easy as circumstances allow.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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