Biography of William Horace Witherstine, M. D. of Grand Forks North Dakota

William Horace Witherstine, M.D., was born on November 7, 1880, in Dover, Minnesota, to Dr. Horace H. and Amelia Witherstine, both of German descent. He completed his preliminary education in Rochester, Minnesota, and graduated from Rush Medical College in 1904. After serving as an assistant surgeon at Cook County Hospital, he practiced in Rochester before moving to Grand Forks, North Dakota, in 1907 to continue his medical career. He was a member of several medical societies and fraternal organizations. On June 1, 1906, he married Ida A. Dahlen in Joliet, Illinois. Their daughter, Ruth L., died in infancy.

William Horace Witherstine, M. D., of Grand Forks, was born November 7, 1880, at Dover, Minnesota, the son of Dr. Horace H. and Amelia Witherstine. Father, a prominent physician of Olmstead county, Minnesota, and member of the state legislature. Parents are both descendants from German stock.

Our subject, William Horace, received his preliminary education in the district schools of Rochester, Minnesota, and his college course at the Chicago University, graduated from the Rush Medical College in 1904, 1904 to 1906 was spent in the Cook County Hospital, as assistant surgeon, and after one year of practice at Rochester, Minnesota, removed to Grand Forks, North Dakota, August, 1907, and began the practice of his profession. He is a member of the Southern Minnesota Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Society, and the American Medical Society. He is a Mason, Knight Templar, Knight of Pythias, and a member of many other local fraternal and social societies.

Dr. Witherstine was married at Joliet, Illinois, to Miss Ida A. Dahlen, June 1, 1906. One child, Ruth L., born to this union, died in infancy.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.

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