Biography of Frank Squier Talcott of Buffalo Township ND

Frank Squire Talcott, a successful farmer in Buffalo Township, Cass County, North Dakota, has been actively involved in the community since his arrival in 1881. Born in New York City in 1863, Talcott came from English ancestry with connections to revolutionary figures and the development of Massachusetts. He received education from prestigious institutions and later engaged in various public roles, including chairman of the Board of Supervisors, member of the School Board, and State Senator. Talcott’s work focused on education, and he actively participated in numerous fraternal organizations. He married Agnes W. Thompson, and together they have four children. Talcott’s strong Republican beliefs align with his family heritage and personal convictions.

Frank Squire Talcott, now a prosperous and well-to-do farmer of Buffalo township, Cass County, North Dakota, first commenced his farming experience here in the year 1881, and has been a permanent resident since 1887, during which time he has been a faithful and earnest worker for the development and upbuilding of the community in which he lives and the state in general.

Mr. Talcott was born on July 12, 1863, in New York City, the son of Frank P. and Gertrude (Squier) Talcott. His father, for many years, followed the occupation of a merchant, connected with the firm of Claflin & Company, of New York City. Both families were of English ancestry, from Pittsfield, Mass. Their ancestors on both sides were of revolutionary fame and strongly identified with government proceedings and the development of the state of Massachusetts. Grandfather Socrates Squier was the owner of the Pontoosac Woolen Mills and a member of the state legislature. Frank Talcott, our subject, was educated first in the Heathcote School of Buffalo, New York, later in the Williams College, at Williamstown, Mass., and still later in the Buffalo Law School, of Buffalo, New York. Since taking up his residence in this part of the Northwest, he has been one of the prime movers in its general growth and advancement.

Mr. Talcott has, for several years, been chairman of the Board of Supervisors, a member of the School Board, a member of the Legislature, the County and State Central Committees. He was elected to the State Senate in 1900 and re-elected in 1904 without opposition by any party. He was a candidate at primaries without opposition and re-elected to the Legislature. His work was largely along educational lines, and he was chairman of the Committee on Education. He is a stockholder in the Farmers’ Elevator, Town Hall, and all local institutions. Fraternally, he is a Mason, a member of the Elks Lodge, the Knights of Pythias, the United Workmen, the Modern Woodmen of America, the Yeomen, the M. B. A., and the Delta Psi Fraternity.

On June 8, 1893, Mr. Talcott and Miss Agnes W. Thompson were married in Buffalo, New York. They are now the parents of four children, viz: Porter T., Frank S., Jr., Esther B., and Ruth.

Mr. Talcott has always been a Republican in politics, by heredity, education, and belief, and is a strong supporter of the principles of his party.


C.F. Cooper & Company, History of the Red River Valley, Past And Present: Including an Account of the Counties, Cities, Towns And Villages of the Valley From the Time of Their First Settlement And Formation, volumes 1-2; Grand Forks: Herald printing company, 1909.